Engineering 44 Fall 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

9/19/17 Nodal Analysis II Multiple Sources

Nodal Analysis II Multiple Sources

Date of lab : 9/19/2017

      Use nodal analysis to analyze the circuit.

           Use nodal analysis to find Iand V1

Lab Procedure 

V1 = 5.19 volts 

Percentage error between calculated and actual for V1
            ((5.19 - 5.0) / (5.0)) * 100  = % 3.8 error

    In nodal analysis, we can observe that node V1 and node V3 are next to voltage sources so node V1 = 5volts and node V3 = 3volts. Since Voltage is the same in parallel resistors, the voltage V1 is the same as the voltage in Node V3 which equals 5 volts. This is simply done by observation without nodal analysis. Since current is entering node V3 from the voltage source, current will be leaving toward I1 and the 6.8k resistor.  So then we simply move to node V2 where current is entering from node V3 and node V1 and leaving at I2. 

We can observe from the Tinkercad App that simulated I1, and V1 is the same as our calculated values. Along with observing current flow from the Every Circuit App. Our error resulted from our voltage source dialed in at 5.2 volts. 


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